Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Rosendale Energy Meeting this Friday 14th 7-8pm at Rosendale School and Tuesday 18th at Rosendale Allotments 7pm

See below for an update on the last Rosendale Energy meeting and invitation to meeting this Friday 14th at Rosendale School and next Tuesday 18th at Rosendale Allotments.Parents, children, teachers, governors, local residents, all people of every faith all warmly welcomed to learn more about the project.

Meeting for Rosendale energy 28.2.14
1.1 Review actions from previous meeting 14.2.14
All Saints 
AB confirmed All Saints coffee morning has taken place with positive response to Energy project. 
Rosendale School
Zoe contacted Kate Atkins to discuss engagement with children through school curriculum.
KA explained by email 28.2.14 that school diary has been planned for the year but she will consider how to incorporate the project into the curriculum. 
KA requested a timeline prior to next meeting. 
Rosendale Energy Plan for 2-6 months engagement with school
Investigate options for involvement; 
- School Assembly  
- Year 5 'Angry Earth' project 
- School survey written by children sent home in book bags
- Solar panel stickers - badges for returned surveys
KR to action 13.3.14

1.2 Peer mentoring Fund: Update from AO
Awaiting appointment of Lambeth Community Energy Commissioner 
AO in discussion with Lib Peck to move forward with Lambeth to fund project.
Funding from Cabinet Office will provide following;
2 workshops per month for 1 year from March 2014 -2015
Solar panel making workshop, draft busting etc
Plus support for financial model with South Bank University

1.3 Community engagement 
Team to focus on starting engagement with community.
Lairdale Estate
CCo/ AB to organise flyer Lairdale Estate for 18 March meeting.
Weekend 15.2.14 or 16.2.14 door knocking to start survey of 12 questions to ask local people want they want ... Home energy audit, internships, workshops etc
ACTION ALL: 14.3.14 next meeting to role play survey for Lairdale Estate
All to read survey & responses sent by AO email dated 31.1.14

Elmgreen School
 Liz Myers to discuss involvement in energy project at Parent Council Meeting on Saturday 15.2.14 

1.4 Constitution of the co operative
Next step to discuss Transparency of co op. AO to support group on setting up Co-op. For example the use of Google Open source documents.

1.5 Technical: South Bank University
Preliminary solar study underway, next steps to review CHP & other technologies. AO & JS to meet to discuss the opportunity to include playing fields CIC in the energy project.

Attendees: Zoe Burt, Anna Birley, Liz Myers, Jo Stone-Fewings, Agamemnon Otero, Carol Costello, James Smith, Kristina Roszynski