Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Positive news

Rosendale Energy had a positive response from the governors of Rosendale Primary School at the meeting last week. Together with support from All Saints church and residents of Lairdale estate we are making progress in creating a cohesive neighbourhood and generating excitement for this pioneering scheme to connect us up with renewable energy.

The other exciting news is that Repowering London have been successful in their very competitive bid for an award for a peer mentoring fund Community Energy Peer Mentoring Funding, so are in a strong position to help Rosendale Energy make the next steps.

Thankyou to all the new faces at recent meetings and from All Saints Church community group, always a delight to welcome new people and include your views and ideas.

Hope to see you all at the next meeting on Friday 14th February at Rosendale School for 7pm, please press the buzzer for reception and you will be directed where to go.

Many thanks