Sunday, 29 September 2013

Who are we?

We are people who live in the Rosendale area who have been inspired to try and develop a scheme to create sustainable energy. This is the chance to pioneer a cooperative renewable solar energy project involving Rosendale School, All Saints Church, Lairdale and Whytefield Estate on Rosendale Road. A project on this scale hasn't been done before - this is pioneering stuff and has great educational benefits for children, parents, teachers, local residents to learn how we use energy, make it and pay for it. 

Repowering Brixton, a not-for-profit, have already made this happen at two estates in Brixton and have been heralded by the governments as pioneers in the field of community owned renewable solar energy. Agamemnon Otero, director of Repowering Brixton has been to the school and spoken to Kate Atkins, Meshandia Dampier - school council leader, school governor Toby Litt, the school architects from Cullinan studio and various parents and representatives from the two estates - who are all open to and supportive of  the project. Repowering Brixton can offer professional advice and handle the technical aspects of the scheme.
The rest of it works by the local community getting  inspired, involved, taking interest and investing in the project. There are many benefits to buying shares in the scheme including tax relief, work experience and jobs for local people plus a chance for the school, nursery and childrens centre and local community to earn back funds from excess energy sold back to the national grid.